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21,Feb 2024
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30,Oct 2023
Korea Południowa
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Korea Południowa 대한민국
Koreański Angielski Japoński
안녕하세요 외국인 친구 만들고 싶어서 가입했어요. 정유사에서 일하고 있어요. 울산에서 태어났고 자랐어요. 대학교에서 화학공학을 전공했어요.
한국어가 제일 편하고, 영어는 보통이예요. 일본어는 공부하고 있어요. 쉬는 시간엔 일본 애니메이션 보고 자전거 타고 골프 쳐요. 많은 관심 부탁합니다.
라인이랑 카카오톡 있어요. 12월에 일본 후쿠오카로 여행 가는데 일본어 공부 열심히 해서 일본 친구 사귀고 싶어요! 남녀노소 상관 없이 메일 주세요:)
Hello I signed up because I wanted to make a foreign friend. I work for a oil company.
I was born and raised in Ulsan. I majored in Chemical Engineering at university. My Korean is the best. English is intermediate. For now I'm studying Japanese. I watch Japanese animation, cycling and play golf during break time.
I have Line, Kakao Talk.
I will travel to Fukuoka, Japan in December, and I want to study Japanese hard and make Japanese friends!Please contact me! Send me an email regardless of age or gender. :)
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Free penpal site for people of all ages to find penpals for language learning, friendship, cultural exchange and international relationships.
Hi! Penpal! is all free international penpal website. Just join us to make foreign friends. It's the easiest way to make world wide pen pals!
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