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Open Penpal Search

Total members : 621140

Płeć : Mężczyzna
Wiek : 52
Mieszka w : Korea Południowa
Nice to meet you. I like dogs and cats I m a Korean male. Currently, I live alone with 2 dogs. I work for an IT company and my hobbies are playing games, reading books, and watching movies. I want an ...
Płeć : Mężczyzna
Wiek : 25
Mieszka w : Korea Południowa
안녕하세요 한국에 사는 99년생 대학생입니다. 소소하게 일상 이야기를 할 수 있는 친구를 사귀고 싶어서 가입했어요. 취미는 요즘은 산책하고 책 읽기입니다. 영화도 좋아하는데 추천해 ...
Płeć : Mężczyzna
Wiek : 52
Mieszka w : Senegal
Hellol am very understanding man with good heart, and will be happy to find the same in any beautiful woman all over the world as a friend. l look forward to meet yo...
Płeć : Mężczyzna
Wiek : 47
Mieszka w : Korea Południowa
living in south korea. love to listen music during driving a car. do like to eat junk foods and snacks. learned in english long time ago so be generous my wrong expression. good to have a friend who c...
Płeć : Mężczyzna
Wiek : 36
Mieszka w : Korea Południowa
倉木麻衣が好きで日本語の勉強始めました 世田谷区で暮らしたことがあります まだ日本語が下手だけど頑張ります 日本語はちょっとだけ話せます 恋愛系とかロマンスコメディの映画...
Płeć : Kobieta
Wiek : 26
Mieszka w : Korea Południowa
はじめまして 韓国に住んでいる女性です 日本のアイドル ジャニーズが好きです ジャニーズのNEWS King&Prince 美少年が好き量産系のファッションも好きです 和食や旅行にも関心あります ...
Płeć : Kobieta
Wiek : 38
Mieszka w : Chile
Konnichiwa, annyeonghaseyoI like reading about History and religion. I also enjoy reading manga, manhwa and manhua. I m currently working on a small project of mine a manga librarySadly, I m not able ...